Collection of toy boats made in the last years of the second world war by the Bruynzeel Bruynzeel firm in Zaandam. Because of the low electricity/fuel capacity for the saw machines in these war years the firm wasn’t able to produce their doors and windows as they usually did. They turned their effort on producing these hand sawn toy boats that depict the Amsterdam harbor around 1944. The employees could keep working and this way didn’t risk to be send to the German war industry by the occupier.
Envy, one of the seven sins illustrated in corporate life magazine
Piece on green architecture in Elle decor
For Marlies Dekkers swimsuit collection
L'Oreal article for magazine
llustration for "follow the money" about the relation between medical specialists and medical tools ceo's
Podcast cover detail
Luxuria one of the seven sins illustrated in corporate life magazine
An newspaper article on pesticides
Magazine cover for Schretlen & co (Rabobank)
Magazine cover for Schretlen & co (Rabobank)
Webpage for general practitioner's assistants employment agency
Adventurous holidays. Holland Herald KLM magazine
Spread for newspaper magazine
Spread for newspapermagazine 2